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#InfoBites - Understanding Your Audience Can Help Improve Your Performance

Understanding the search behaviour of your audience can significantly improve your online advertising performance. To highlight and demonstrate some of the Bing Ads reporting capabilities currently at your disposal, we’ve taken a closer look at all audience behaviour (on PC, Tablet and Smartphones) in the UK market on Bing Ads from January to May (2015) to better establish when clicks are being generated, and when these clicks result in conversions.

How to read the graph: 15% of all clicks had taken place on a Monday, 14.5% on a Tuesday etc. 15.5% of all conversions had taken place on a Monday, 14.8% on a Tuesday etc.

Note the marginal lifts in both click and conversion activity from Sunday to Tuesday, and again on Thursday. But what if this reflected your audience? Your Return on Investment (ROI) could dramatically improve by increasing your bids on the days showing your marginal lifts, and you can find this out today. But first, let’s say you wanted to dig a little deeper and find out what devices are driving these trends.


PC clicks and conversions are higher during the working week, whereas Tablet clicks increase by 37% from Friday to Sunday with conversions increasing by 32% over the same period. Smartphones show a similar trend with clicks increasing by 19% from Friday to Sunday and conversions by 15%.

Additionally, you can identify the hours in which most of your ads have appeared, have been clicked and when your conversions had taken place. To demonstrate, we’ve again looked at all audience behaviour (on PC, Tablet and Smartphones) in the UK market on Bing Ads from January to May (2015), this time grouping into Weekdays and Weekends.

How to read the graph: Click % = The percentage of overall daily clicks per hour. Conversion % = The percentage of overall daily conversions per hour.

As previously stated, understanding your audience and knowing when to update your bids and budget during periods of increased activity can be a major contributor in maximising your ROI. For example, if your audience trends resembled the above two hourly graphs, you would note that on a weekday (first graph) although clicks start to fall in the evening, conversions rise, highlight the importance of having enough budget at the end of the day to benefit from these valuable conversions.

So how can you do this yourself?

1.   Open your Bing Ads Account and download a Performance Report with ‘Day of Week’ or ‘Hour of Day’ as the unit of time.


2.   From the output of your Performance Report, identify the days and times most suitable for bid boosting.


3.   Add bid adjustment in the Ad Schedule and monitor the progress.

Stay tuned for more insights in the #InfoBites Series.