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With Microsoft Advertising Editor, you can edit campaigns offline and then publish changes at your convenience when you are back online. You can manage your accounts in bulk, from the campaign level down to the individual ad level. Another key feature is the ability to import Google Ads directly into Microsoft Advertising.

After reading this training, you will understand how to:

  • Export campaigns and ad groups from Microsoft Advertising Editor.
  • Import campaigns and ad groups to Microsoft Advertising Editor from a file.
  • Import Google Ads into Microsoft Advertising.

Exporting Data 

When using Microsoft Advertising Editor to export data, you have the power to be selective. You can export data from entire accounts, individual campaigns or specific ad groups.

You can export the campaign or ad group you have selected using the Export selected campaigns and ad groups option under the File menu in the top ribbon. Export all the rows in the Manager pane using the Export current view option.

Here you can choose do the following:

  • Export an entire account or only the selected campaign or ad group.
  • Include or exclude additional data: targeting, negative keywords and sitelink extensions.
  • Choose to work on the data immediately by selecting Open file after export.

If you don’t plan on working with the information in the Also include: section, don’t export it as it will significantly increase the file size. If you want to work on your data immediately, select Open file after export. Upon saving, the data automatically opens in an Excel workbook. Click Export, and in the Save as dialog, specify the folder, filename and file type.

There are times, however, when you’ll want to edit just a few items and not run a full export. To do this, copy rows directly from the Editor grid and paste them into your Excel workbook. To select multiple rows from the grid, hold the Control key while selecting rows. Press Control-C to copy, open your Excel workbook, choose the cell where you want to insert the rows, and press Control-V to paste them.

Your data and row headers will be inserted, and will be in the correct format for importing back into Microsoft Advertising Editor.

Importing campaigns

When using Microsoft Advertising Editor to import campaigns go to the top ribbon, and click the Import button. From the four choices, choose Import from a file. Select a file, and click Next to open the Import Wizard dialog box.

In the drop-down lists above the table, select the appropriate Microsoft Advertising column header to apply to each column of your imported data. Click Import. When the import finishes, an import summary page opens. Campaign information may appear across several columns.

Image of Microsoft Advertising Editor Import dialog box.

The NewUpdated and Deleted columns, located in the View drop-down within Microsoft Advertising Editor, display how the imported data has been changed. Skipped items will not be created or updated, as they duplicate existing values or contain invalid data.

You can also create a Microsoft Excel or CSV (comma-separated values) import file. (Download the import file template here.) Click Import Campaigns, and then click Import from file. If you have imported from a file in the past 90 days, you will see a table that tells you the Date/Time and Uploaded file.

Default import settings

The default mode of Microsoft Advertising Editor is that all active campaigns are imported, with options to import paused campaigns and to search for specific campaigns. You can select an option to adjust your bids and budgets to meet Microsoft Advertising Editor's minimum requirements, and if you are importing a file from Google Ads, you will now have all of the same import options available with other types of import.

To set defaults, click the Tools button in the main menu and select Options. From the options dialog, select Defaults on the left hand side and then edit values like Language targeting, Location targeting and Ad distribution to your desired defaults.

Google Ads

If you're already using Google Ads, you can save a lot of time by using Microsoft Advertising Editor to import your Google Ads campaigns directly into Microsoft Advertising. Simply import your Google Campaigns using your Google Ads sign-in credentials.

Microsoft Advertising allows customers to use the Google Import tool to schedule and sync imports from Google Ads campaigns automatically.

The Google Import tool allows advertisers to copy a combination of 1.5 million keywords and ads from Google Ads over to Microsoft Advertising, as well as up to 200,000 negative keywords, campaigns, ad groups and extensions.

Customers can do this with just three easy clicks:

1.      Sign in to Microsoft Advertising.

2.      Click Import from Google Ads.

3.      Follow the steps to import your campaigns.

Another option is to use the Microsoft Advertising Editor to import from Google Ads. Simply Click Import from Google, and finish by following the steps to import your campaigns.

Because there are some differences between the Google and Microsoft Advertising platforms, you’ll want to review your data after you import it. Once you’ve reviewed and fixed any import errors, sync your Editor to Microsoft Advertising to make the new campaigns active. Editorial checks are performed when you sync your campaigns with the Microsoft Advertising platform.  Read What gets imported from Ads? for more information.

Note: Before you begin importing campaigns from Google Ads to Microsoft Advertising, be sure to review Importing your campaigns: Requirements. When you're finished importing, you can view your data and have the opportunity to fix any issues.


Microsoft Advertising Editor Export and Import features help you manage your campaigns more efficiently.

Key takeaways:

  • Set default values for campaigns, ad groups and keywords before importing.
  • Use your Google credentials to quickly import those campaigns directly into Microsoft Advertising.
  • Bulk-edit exported campaigns in Excel, and then re-import the data to update or create new campaigns.

Thanks for reading this training on using Microsoft Advertising Editor to export and import information. Continue your training or take the Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional exam to become certified.

Please note all features in this training may not be available in your market.