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Meet the new Bing Ads Newsletter

screenshot of new Bing Ads Newsletter
Our Weekly Blog Digest email is one way you can find out about the latest and greatest goings-on at Bing Ads. But we want to give you a better picture of all that happens here. Every week , we have stories to tell about all kinds of topics from the newest ad products to customers who are improving their business using our features. We wanted our newsletter to provide you with as much value as our range of digital marketing solutions.

Introducing the Bing Ads Newsletter: all the freshest updates and insights from Bing Ads, right in your inbox. The new, rebranded design features stories from some of our own thought leaders as they discuss what’s happening in our industry and in our community. You’ll learn not just what we’re thinking about but what our digital marketing customers are up to as well. Customer success stories show how different businesses are getting the most out of Bing Ads. Insights provide details on seasonal and industry trends to help advertisers plan their best campaigns. You’ll still get highlights from our most recent blog posts, covering every topic from how-to guides from our experts to announcements for upcoming events.

With the Bing Ads Newsletter, you’ll get a snapshot of what’s happening at Bing Ads right now. Stay up-to-date with the most current product releases. Or see how other businesses are using our ad solutions. Their strategies might be a good fit for you.

If you haven't yet subscribed, now's a good time.

Subscribe to the Bing Ads Newsletter.